
Mia Dy

Sales Clerk Crush

I have the hots for sales ladies and sales clerks ever since high school. I think they are sexy and hot with their uniforms and mini skirts. With that said, our 9MM Blogzine #MajorCrush is also clerk and she's also a freelance model. Let's know her.

Mia Dy

Mia, 23 (at the time of writing), and she does freelance modelling. And she's also a sales clerk in a store and really loves taking photo of what she see and she loves taking photo of herself.

Are you relationship right now?
"That's for you to find out!"

Nice! What advice would you give to your 21 year old self?
"If I got the chance to talk to my 21 younger self, I will tell her to do everything that she like. Take all the chance because we cant go back time, Make sure to do everything that she like because there's no room for regrets in the future just go and go and go whatever you like and explore the unknown."

Great! Who is your biggest girl crush?
"I really admire Angelina Jolie, Gal Gadot and Meghan Fox."

Same. What's your vital statistics?
"I'm very skinny girl my vital statistic is 34, 26,34."

Wow! What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"Many say that I have good boobs but I think my face is the sexiest part of me."

I know. You're pretty gorgeous!
"I have this addiction that I really wanna look good. I really like putting make up and I really like making myself beautiful."

Cool! In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"I can say, based on my own experience, the wrong thing that a man do in sex is having no mental connection because I am a believer that everything is mental."

Nice! How much was the highest amount/material things offered to you for an indecent proposal?
"Honestly, I didn't receive any big offer from anyone. I get everything by my own reason. Even sometimes I think I am not pretty enough for gifts."

Awesome! Last... name three local male celebrities who you have sexual fantasies with.
"I don't have a male crush, because woman aroused me more than men."

Get the full photo collection of  Mia Dy by purchasing the 9MM Digital Magazine February 2023 issue here.



Mia Dy Mia Dy Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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