
Cheska Sanchez

Content Creator Crush

Many people are into content creation but not all are being given the opportunity to be popular. unless of course you have a new thing that you do with your content. But our 9MM Blogzine #Majorcrush is very eager to be one of those social media darlings. Let's know her...

Cheska Sanchez

Cheska, 21 (at the time of writing) is from Pasay City.. She is a content creator and loves playing mobile games.

Are you in a relationship right now?

Nice! What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?
"Stop watching porn."

Wow! What porn genre is your favorite?

Great! What's your vital statistics?
"I don't know because I don't want to make myself insecure because of my physical appearance."

Understood. What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"My pussy."

Wow! I know it is. But I also think that your EYES, LEGS and LIPS are also damn sexy! In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"Pushing me when doing deep throat!"

That's totally brutal. How much was the highest amount/material things offered to you for an indecent proposal?

Last... name 3 local male celebs who you have sexual fantasies with.
"Joshua Garcia, Johnny Depp and Daniel Padilla."

Get the full photo collection of  Cheska Sanchez by purchasing the 9MM Digital Magazine February 2023 issue here.


Cheska Sanchez Cheska Sanchez Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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