
Lorraine Cruz

Social Worker Crush

Doing social work is really a difficult job. Helping people in need all the time but the salary is not enough. But our #9MMBlogzineMajorCrush is not for the salary. She helps people because it is her passion. Let's know more.

Lorraine Cruz

Lorraine, 25 (as of the writing). is from Bataan. She loves taking pictures in beautiful places through her in own way.

Cool! Are you in a relationship right now?
"Hmmm no po."

Nice! What would a guy do to impress you?
"Hmm I want a guy who is God fearing, family oriented, loving, caring, understanding and has no vices. A guy who can bring happiness in a simple ways."

Great! What is your goal in your life?
"Now my goal in life is to support and give good life to my family as my as payback for me."

Cool! Have you gone naked when you're alone in your house?
"Hmm honestly no."

That's okay... Complete this phrase... I have never ever...?
"I have never ever drink alcohol."

Okay. What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?
"Be contented and huwag makiayon sa mga taong nakapaligid who bring bad influence."

Who is your biggest girl crush?
"My biggest girl crush is Gabbi Garcia."

Likewise. What's your vital statistics?
"Not really sure but my height is 5'1 and my waist line is 26."

That's okay.... What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"Many say, the shape of my face."

Yeah I agree. But I think that your EYES, LIPS and LEGS are so sexy. Name three local male celebrities who you have sexual fantasies with.
"Dominique Roque and Paulo Avelino."

Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity, Loraine!!! We are so honored to have you featured in 9MM Blogzine as one of our #MajorCrush. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!


Lorraine Cruz Lorraine Cruz Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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