
Sarah Velten

Achtung Baby!

I used the album title of U2 as the secondary title for this article. It's because our 9MM Blogzine #International is somewhat dangerous when it comes to attraction and intellect.

Sarah Velten

Sarah, 27 (at the time of writing) was born in Germany and currently residing here in the Philippines. She works as a customer service for a German company. According to Sarah, she's super creative and likes to do her own digital art. But her biggest hobby is her dog, Pepper. Whe also wants to endorse local clothing brands, loves cooking Filipino dishes and travel around the Philippines.

Cool! You're a pure German, right?

Great! Are you in a relationship right now?

Cool! What is your goal in life?
"Living my life to the fullest and hopefully share my happiness with a big family."

Awesome! Complete this phrase... I have never ever...?
"I have never ever gone to a blind date."

Next question... What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?
"Don’t try to please everyone and put yourself first."

Good answer! Who is your biggest girl crush?
"Stef Williams."

Good choice! By the way how many tattoos do you have?
"I don’t know the exact number, it’s all over my body & goal is to fill up everything."

Fair enough. What tattoo of yours is your favofite and meaningful for you? Can you take a photo of it and post it here?
"Most meaningful is this one. The heart with the eye on top is for my dead grandmother, the most impressive woman i have ever met. On the down-part the skull Aries is for my mum and in the middle it’s portrait of myself as la Catrina, as an sign that I am between the living and dead. My favorite is my sleeve project with the tarsier and the Philippine eagle. For my deep love to the Philippines."

Nice! What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"The whole package. Hahaha! But I think one of the sexiest part are my super long legs."

I agree! I also think that your EYES and LIPS are also so sexy.
"Thank you!"

Next... What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"The craziest thing I ever did when I was drunk… I missed the last train going home, so I started to walk. But it was way to far to walk and I was so tired, so I just fell asleep outside alone, somewhere in nowhere.. that was crazy, stupid and dangerous at the same time."

Did you wake up safe?
"Yassss just with badly headache."

Cool! Have you gone naked when you're alone in your house?
"Most of the time I am in panty and bra it’s way to hot here in ph to stay dressed at home and I try not to use aircon."

Nice! Besides your face, what body part do you like to look in the mirror when you're naked?
"My booty and waist."

In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"If he’s acting egoistic and only his satisfaction is the goal."

I get that answer a lot. Have you ever been offered an indecent proposal?
"I often receive weird messages from “sugar daddys” who are looking for a sugar baby or also feed fetish guys who asked for photos of my feet."

I'm not surprised! How much was the highest offer and what was the deal?
"I never had any details, because I did not reply to the offer."

I understand. Name three local male celebrities who you have sexual fantasies with.
"Actually just having that fantasies with my asawa ko."

ahahaha! I understand. Do you already have kids?
"Not yet, but it’s in progress."

Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity, Sarah! It has been an honor and pleasure to feature you in 9MM Blogzine as one of our #9MMGirlInternational. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!


Sarah Velten Sarah Velten Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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