
Jieya Lamang

Tourism Crush

As far as I'm concerned, Tourism is the course that you can offer the scenic and majesty of our country to the world. I maybe wrong. But our 9MM Blogzine #MajorCrush is a Tourism Management student so I hope she can do well in her field of endeavor.

Jieya Lanang

Jieya, 22 (at the time of writing), is from Imus Cavite. She is a call center representative by night and a student during the day. Jieya's hobbies are playing volleyball, traveling and Modeling.

Cool! Are you in a relationship right now?
"Yes, I have a boyfriend and we've been together for five years."

Nice! What is a skill or talent that no one knows about you?
"I don't know because most of the people around me knows everything that I can do. But I can proudly say that "I know how to manage my time" and for me that is a skill because I have a lot of things to do such as modeling, working, and studying but still I know how to handle and managing my time."

Awesome! Complete this phrase... I have never ever...?
"I have never dragging someone to make myself on top, because if you want to be on top, just do it in a right way because your time will shine in the right time."

Great! What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?
"I think the best advice that I can do for my 18 year old self is that you need to be strong enough to face everything because not everyone will help you except yourself. Lastly, I can advice that do what makes you happy and don't let everyone to ruin it."

Cool! What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"Well, I think the sexiest part of my body is my collar bone because it attracts me a lot. But, I also want to say that everyone is sexy no matter what's your shape is, you are sexy enough just be confident for who you are and be proud of it."

Yeah I agree... I also think that your EYES and LEGS are also sexy.
"Yeah because most of the people saying that. But on my own may collar bone is the sexiest one."

Great! What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"Nothing, except crying. Because sometimes when I'm drunk that's the best way I can express everything."

Cool! Have you gone naked when you're alone in your house?

Fair enough. What part of a man’s body do you find sexiest?
"Nothing, because for me as a woman, I don't care about the body of the men, All I wanted is a man who can respect me and treat me the way I deserve to be treated."

Okay last... Three men that you find sexy?
"Daniel Matsunaga, Jerome Ponce and Paulo Avelino."

Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity, Jieya! It has been an honor and pleasure to feature you in 9MM Blogzine as one of our #CoverGirl. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!


Jieya Lamang Jieya Lamang Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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