
Red Mariah

Supervisor Hottie

It is very difficult to jumble between parenting and work. We need help from another person to help us cope up with being a parent and working to provide for the family. Our 9MM Blogzine #Hottie has already mastered the skill of being a parent and an employee. Here she is...

Red Mariah

Red, 32(at the time of writing), is from Manila and works as a supervisor in a casino place. She loves to bake cheesecakes and others.

"You wanna know my attitude? Not a type of plastic person. I'm the type of person na honest, shy type and mostly, I'm a humble person."

Awesome! Are you in a relationship right now?
"Not at the moment. But I still meet the father of my kid sometimes."

Next, What is something no one knows about you?
"Hahaha! Nice question. I'm a late bloomer."

What do you mean? I'm also a late bloomer myself when it comes to experience. Please elaborate.
"Late bloomer. Like I'm already late to realize to show off some of my humanity. Kung kelan nagkaanak saka nagkaron ng interest to show some."

What tweet/comment offended you about your photos?
"I don't know. But I think if you'll be asking my personal judgment to myself is that, my age, my not so fair skin. And not so pretty as the others."

You're pretty as yourself. Why would we contact you and invited you to be featured in our blogzine. Anyway, moving on to the next question -- Who is your biggest girl crush?
"Lovi Poe, I think."

Nice! What's the most rebellious thing you did as a teen?
"Hahaha wala naman good girl ako e."

Fair enough! What's your go-to song when you feel down? Ako... Let It Go and Fight Song.
"Bagong bago yan e... same din. Uso kasi hahaha! As of this moment nagugustuhan ko sya. Kasi yung kid ko yan kinakanta. I attend party event but it is more trance music. And some of the hiphop."

Fair enough. In any decision making situation, do you rather follow your heart or your mind?
"Heart. But now I think I should use my brain."

Moving on... What have you learned from life that makes you who you are today?
"I have learned that I should enjoy life. And I think I need to go with the flow..."

Love it! What's your vital statistics?
"34-27-36 di ako sexy sir medyo malaman ako."

That's okay, you already foresighted my next question, Define SEXY for you? And what's wrong with being MALAMAN? MALAMAN and CHUBBY is the new SEXY!
"Sexy for me is petite. Kasi pag petite ka you can show off. You can easily carry yourself wearing such sexy clothes."

What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"My lips."

Nice! Yeah, we agree on that. But we also think that your EYES and LEGS are also so damn sexy! By the way, how many tattoos do you have?

Nice! That's awesome! What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"Nakapag timpi lang ako. Nacontrol ko yung muntikan na kami ng ka work ko."

What's the funniest fail you had in life?
"Whenever I meet a new guy, I just ignore trying to give them some attention to make flirt. Now I just realize that we only have one life, and we should enjoy it and give it some try."

Next... Who'd you share your first kiss with?
"That was my ex. My first kiss was a smack. I don't know how to do it kasi. Kakahiya."

When was the last time you watched porn?
"To be honest... kanina lang (at the time of interview)."

ahahah! I knew it! What's your favorite porn genre?
"Before I'm more into hentai. Hahaha! funny nuh? Now it's BBC."

Next... Besides making love, showering, or swimming, what's something else you tried doing naked?
"Wala pa e. Hahah! Boring nuh? Kasi late bloomer talaga ko. I just opened my eyes super late."

How old were you when you lost your virginity?
"Hahaha! Don't judge me huh? I was turning 16 at that time."

Have you ever been offered an indecent proposal?
"Yes. Sinasakyan ko lang... ganun naman talaga dapat."

How much was the highest offer and what was the deal?
"Asked for LV bag of any kind. Pero wala. I did not take it. Nagpapataas kasi ko hahahah! joke lang."

Last... name three local male celebrities who you have sexual fantasies with.
"Derek Ramsay, Joseph Marco and the Abrenica brothers."

Read the full exclusive interview about Red Mariah by purchasing the 9MM eMagazine March 2021 issue here.

Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity, Red! It has been an honor and pleasure to feature you in 9MM Blogzine as one of our #Hottie. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!

Follow Red on Instagram - @redmariaaah


Red Mariah Red Mariah Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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