
Ella Gomez

Customer Care Hottie

I have been a customer care specialist for several years and I have experienced every single type of customers out there. And good thing I survived. For our 9MM Blogzine #Hottie, giving customer care is her job.

Ella Gomez

Ella, 30 (at the time of writing), is a Customer Care Professional in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. She loves doing outdoor activities with her family like camping, beach and lake trips.

"If it’s winter we usually enjoy sledding, playing snow ball fight and making a snow man. We love trying out different cuisines from random restaurants as well. We love Taco Tuesdays and Fridays were mostly spent at home enjoying movie, popcorn and pizza."

Great! You said you have a family, Are you married and have children?
"Yes! Married with 3 lovely girls!"

Good to know. What is something no one knows about you?
"Most of the people around me would always assume that I have a perfect life. They would always say “Sana all happy like you Mama Ella” or “Buti ka pa perfect yung family”. But they’re not aware that just like any normal person I’ve been experiencing a lot of difficulties too and it’s one hell of a roller coaster ride. But I’m trying to be optimistic as much as I could. I always believe that problems just do come and go."

That's the spirit and essence of a true mother and wife. What's something that makes you feel good?
"I feel good whenever I’m being able to accomplished my goal/task for the day. Most especially when I feel like I’ve been extra productive and that I was able to do whatever it is that needs to be done. Thank you by the way for the compliment."

You're welcome. Who is your biggest girl crush?
"Anne Curtis and Alexandra D'addario."

In any decision making situation, do you rather follow your heart or your mind?
"It’s hard to say. It depends on the situation you’re in. It could sometimes be your heart. There are certain circumstances or scenarios where you need to follow your mind, instead. Gut instinct, or intuition. I believe, listening to your intuition helps you avoid unhealthy relationships and situations. It is your immediate understanding of something. There's no need to think it over or get another opinion, you just know."

Good answer! What have you learned from life that makes you who you are today?
"Sorry that it has to be this way. It’s just that I have a lot Mommy duties and work at the same time. Thank you for being so understanding."

No worries. Just answer the questions whenever you're free. If I don't reply, it means that I'm asleep.
"Good question! The main thing that made appreciate where I am right now is the hardship that I’ve encountered in the past. I realized then, that everything truly happens for a reason and that everything is connected. I mean, for instance let’s say I choose another decision than the other. Everything else then will change. We all do make mistakes. Cause whether we like or not, that’s how we are all learning. So when you know that it’s wrong and it didn’t feel right. You’ll probably never do it again. And that’s where the experience do it’s work. You will then realize that today may be a bad day but at least you’re not in the same (bad) situation where you’re in before! It will make you appreciate more whatever it is that you have in the present. It truly shaped me in to a person that I am now."

Awesome answer! Let's move on to more personal and naughty questions. What is SEXY for you?
"There’s nothing sexier than a man who a has that beautiful soul. For me, that is sexy! “Looks” is the least of my concern."

Love it! What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"My eyes! Cause it can always see the beauty from within."

Yeah we agree. But we also think that your LIPS and LEGS are so damn sexy.
'Awww! I’m literally melting right now! THANK YOU!"

You're welcome! Next.... What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"Hahaha! Can you keep a secret?"

Sure. I don't know any of your friends and relatives, so it will be a secret between us.
"Just kidding! So far! I’ve been very nice! But I remember that there was this instance where I had to sleep with my best friend and her boyfriend in just one “motel” room after clubbing! That was crazy! But hey! We just needed a place to rest that night!"

Cool! Me, I went skinny dipping in a pool in front of my girl friends because of a dare. But is that really the craziest you've done?
"Yes! Nothing more nothing less Yours is quite extreme."

ahahaha! Moving on... When was the last time you went to a public place without panties?
"Hahaha! Never in my entire life. That’ll be so uncomfortable for me."

ahahah! Try it at least once. hahaha! Who'd you share your first kiss with?
"It’ll always be my husband! The funny thing is, he was actually my first kiss when we were in 6th grade and then he broke up with me. Then years later he said “he tried to find me again” and finally, we’re back together and got married!"

That's an awesome love story. Love it! Besides making love, showering, or swimming, what's something else you tried doing naked?
"Sleeping! People don’t usually do that right?"

Let's go to the next question... When was the last time you watched porn?
"A month ago? But it was not actually porn porn it’s just a movie."

Ah okay! Like 50 shades, right? Its not porn!
"365 hahaha! Yeah. I don’t watch porn."

Fair enough. How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Wow! With your consent, of course, right? Because you're still underage.
"Hahaha yes! Definitely!"

Nice! In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"I’m totally not so sure how to answer that. Maybe I didn’t get to experience something similar hahaha!"

You did experience sex right with your partner, right? So what does he do wrong when you do it?

Fair enough! What is your idea of a foreplay?
"I’m a teenage mom but I don’t really prefer foreplay. It’s something so extreme for me. Old-fashioned momma here!"

Okay! Fair enough. Have you ever been offered an indecent proposal?

Okay! Last... name three local male celebrities who you have sexual fantasies with. Or you have a major crush on.
"Are you going to actually believe me if I say that I don’t have a male celebrity crush? Cause I don’t really have one! Sorry."

Read the full exclusive interview about Ella Gomez by purchasing the 9MM eMagazine March 2021 issue here.

Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity, Ella! It has been an honor and pleasure to feature you in 9MM Blogzine as one of our #Hottie. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!

Follow Ella on Instagram - @gomezellae


Ella Gomez Ella Gomez Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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