
Cielo's Eighth Month

An Update

I have been observing my daughter's growth for the past eight months now. If you are following my experiences as a father to Cielo, you might think that I'm a little lax on her especially in taking care of her needs.

But believe me, its the most difficult job in the whole world. However, its the most fulfilling aspect of my life.

I enjoy taking care of her as well as gaining experience and personal growth. I can be a nanny in no time with the list of expertise I listed.

For this article, I'll be sharing with you some other developments and experiences I learned since the last update. I promise that I'll make this article short. Here they are: 

  • Cielo is growing up fast. She's beginning to crawl faster and can stand up by herself (of course, with some help from different pillows)
  • She started eating baby cereals. And she is loving it.
  • She has grown a few front teeth and is constantly drooling.
  • Cielo could be approximately two and a half feet and weighs around 10 kilos.
  • She recognizes her toys now. She's fond of moving toys but it always ends up at her mouth.
  • She has this cute attitude that whenever she enjoys, she giggles softly.
  • Her hair, for some reason, is not growing. She still has the same length of hair for quite some time now.
  • Cielo has this attitude of pinching my nips whenever she gets close to me. Ouch!

I'll give you another update before Cielo turns one year old on December.


Credits to the original uploader/s of the picture/s shown on this post.

Cielo's Eighth Month Cielo's Eighth Month Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 4:00 AM Rating: 5
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