
Anne Evangelista

Movie and Mall Babe

I love spending time at the mall. In the past, my friends and I can spend the whole day inside the mall playing arcade games. Our 9MM Blogzine #MajorCrush also love malling. But I'm not sure what she do there. Let's find out!

Anne Evangelista

Anne, 26 (at the time of writing), from Makati is a car sales agent. She loves watching movies and TV series, malling, eating and singing.

What movies are you into?
"Suspense, love stories, romance, Filipino movies."

Great! Are you in a relationship right now?
"As of now, nope. Date date lang."

Ah okay. What would a guy do to impress you?
"I am impressed with a guy who is so sweet, and love to eat. Because I love eating. Especially who always give me lots of chocolate and treat me in a restaurant."

Lovely! Do you rather follow your heart or your mind?
"If I am in love, I follow my heart."

Wow! What have you learned from life that makes you who you are today?
"I learned on how to be a strong independent woman who can stand on my own. And have confidence to fulfill my dreams in life."

Read the full exclusive interview about Anne Evangelista by purchasing the 9MM eMagazine July 2021 issue here.

Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity, Anne! It has been an honor and pleasure to feature you in 9MM Blogzine as one of our #MajorCrush. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!

Follow her on Instagram - @anne_evangelista


Anne Evangelista Anne Evangelista Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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