
Blaire Hernandez

Manager Hottie

Living in a different country is really difficult. You earn lots of money but you are lonely because your family is not with you. But our 9MM Blogzine #Hottie doesn't mind the loneliness. She's a manager!

Blaire Hernandez

Blaire, 30 (at the time of writing), lives and works at United Arab Emirates. She works as a Customer Service Manager at a customs finance company there. She also loves singing.

Nice! Are you in a relationship right now?

Wow! That's a surprise! What would a guy do to impress you?
"I hate liars because I don't lie. So I like honest... all in."

I see. What is something no one knows about you?
"Behind my sexy photos and poses, I'm a servant of God."

Amen! What's the most rebellious thing you did as a teen?
"haha! when I got pregnant. Because when I got pregnant, my parents got disappointed. I disappointed my parents."

I was hoping that you would say cutting classes or escaping the house to get drunk...
"Yes, I did that also."

In any decision making situation, do you rather follow your heart or your mind?
"Of course mind. I always choose the best things for me and my loved ones."

Cool! What have you learned from life that makes you who you are today?
"Being kind, simple and generous to everyone."

Nice! Love it! What's your vital statistics?

Perfect! Who is your biggest girl crush?
"My mom of course."

Define SEXY.

Nice answer. What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"My eyes and my boobs."

Yeah! We agree... But for us we think that your LIPS and ARMS are so darn sexy!
"Aw okay."

You're welcome! What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"I slept under the truck."

Really?!? That's awesome because I haven't tried it myself. When was the last time you went to a public place without panties?
"No I don't."

How was your first kiss? And whom you shared it with?
"It feels so nice with my first love."

Torrid or smack?
"Torrid. It was okay in that moment. I was in love."

That's COOL! Besides making love, showering, or swimming, what's something else you tried doing naked?
"Only making love. I'm not totally naked while I'm sleeping. I'm only wearing underwear."

Okay... I understand... How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Wow LEGAL age... In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"I don't like putting saliva in my pussy. haha!"

When was the last time you watched porn?
"Yesterday. hahahahhaha!"

Wow! What genre are your favorites?
"I like scandal. I don't like scripted haha! Boring and no thrill haha! Di ba? Mas okay yun totoo. Reality na nangyayare."

Nice! Have you ever been offered an indecent proposal?
"Not yet."

Last in the interview... name three local male celebrities who you have sexual fantasies with.
"hahaha! Joseph Marco and Matteo haha!"

Read the full exclusive interview about Blaire Hernandez by purchasing the 9MM eMagazine April 2021 issue here.

Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity, Blaire! It has been an honor to feature you as one of 9MM Blogzine's #Hottie. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!

Follow her on Instagram - @innojan


Blaire Hernandez Blaire Hernandez Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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