
Jofelaine Javier

Online Babe

It was really a hassle that the education system transitioned to the K to 12 program. For parents. It's an additional financial burden to add up another two years to the education for their children. It was not fair to have that transitioned so fast.

But nevertheless, it would somehow make our students gain more knowledge as they stay in school more longer. Just like our 9MM Blogzine #GirlOfTheMonth... she would not mind.

Jofelaine Javier

Jofelaine, 18 (at the time of writing) is a Grade 12 student who comes from Paranaque City. She enjoys travelling, music, playing online games and being active in social media.

"I'm also a part time model."

Cool! Do you have plans going to college?
"I'm considering it."

What course are you planning to take?
"I’m planning to be a flight attendant or a dermatologist. So whatever courses are closest to these two."

Great! Hoping to be your passenger soon. are you in a relationship right now?

How long have you been single?
"Almost a month."

Just recently.... If I may ask, what would a guy do to impress you?
"Funny, kind and someone fun to be with."

Next, Do you still have feelings for an ex?
"Hahahahaha! Nope!"

Nice answer! What have you learned from life that makes you who you are today?
"That no all friends are trustworthy."

What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"I slept. Because i’m not really into alcohol."

Fair enough. How about the most stupid thing you have done in your life?
"I went to school when its a holiday and there were no classes."

ahahaha! That's funny! Next, have you ever went to a public place without panties?
"Nope. I’m not comfortable not wearing underwear in public."

Fair enough! Next, What is SEXY for you?
"Someone with a sexy body and attitude."

Great! What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"My eyes."

Yeah! We agree. We also love your figure and smile. 
"Thanks for appreciating, that's very thoughtful."

You're welcome! Next question, YES or NO - are you still a VIRGIN?
"No I’m not."

Okay. follow up question is... In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"Poor performance."

Next question, What is your idea of a foreplay?
"Hugging and kissing."

Have you ever been offered an indecent proposal?

Fair enough! Last, Name 3 local male celebs you have a major crush on?
"Pat Anoza."

Thanks you so much for giving us this opportunity, Jofelaine Javier. It is an honor to feature you as one of 9MM Blogzine's #GirlOfTheMonth. This page is for you and our 9MM Salute!

Follow her on her Instagram - jofelainejavier28


Jofelaine Javier Jofelaine Javier Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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