
Kimberly Cavan

Baller Hottie

Every once in a while, we encounter girls that are into sports. and not just those that are for girls like volleyball and such. Our 9MM Blogzine #Hottie is a former basketball varsity player and still plays on occasion. Let's meet her...

Kimberly Cavan

Kimberly, 22 (at the time of writing) is based in Cebu. She has a son who is almost turning 1 year old.

Are you in a relationship right now?
"It’s complicated? Haha!"

OK. Not going deeper into that. But if you're single right now, What would a guy do to impress you?
"Mmm well he’d mainly have to be patient, God fearing, have goals and dreams."

Love it! What is SEXY for you?
"Hmm...physically, toned built. Other aspect...intelligence."

What part of your body are you most proud of?
"Mmm I'd say my butt!"

Really?! I thought you would say your eyes because we think that you have a pair of lovely eyes.
"Well that was smooth and sweet. Thank you!"

Welcome! What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"I’m a boring drunk haha! Craziest I’ve done was just drive wasted."

Apologies to say this but that was lame. Any other crazy stuff you did even while not drunk?
"Got cross faded! Or as they say drunk and stoned!"

Have you gone to a public place without panties?

Cool, right? hahaha!
"Haha literally and figuratively."

Next question... How old were you when you lost your virginity?

In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"Not last long? Haha! Just kidding! Mmm being impatient? Not knowing when to be gentle and not."

Can you expound that. I mean this should be discussed by partners before and after sex, right?
"Well in my opinion, it doesn’t need to be discussed if the partner knows what to do."

Yeah, but of course we men need to be coached on what's working for the ladies during the deed. Because most men wants their lady satisfied.
"Truuue, on that note I guess it can be discussed."

Yeah! Moving forward, with your hotness and gorgeousness, Have you ever been offered an indecent proposal?
"Oh yeah! A few times but I turned them all down. I’m not that type of girl"

Good girl! Can you share the highest offer and what is the term for that amount?
"$5,000 for nudes. Ugh!"

Wow! That's a lot of money for nudes. I guess he is a foreigner, right?
"Yup! American."

OK. Last question... name 3 local male celebrities that you fantasize to have sex with. Even foreign.
"Noah Centineo, Ian Somerhalder and Gabriel Conte."

Thank you so much, Kimbely Cavan for giving us the opportunity to feature you here in 9MM Blogzine as one of our #Hottie. This page is yours and a 9MM Salute!

Follow her on Instagram @kingkimmiee


Kimberly Cavan Kimberly Cavan Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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