
Nikki Eusebio

Golfer Crush

I am posting several unfinished interviews I had here in my blog. For some reason, they had deactivated their account or changed their usernames. But our 9MM Blogzine #MajorCrush is not one of them. Let's check her out.

Nikki Eusebio

Nikki, 25 (at the time of writing), is from Bacoor Cavite. She sells car parts online and was a student. Nikki loves going out and playing badminton and golf.

Nice! Are you in a relationship right now?
"Yes I am."

Great! What would a guy do to impress you?
"He can impress me with showing off a great personality."

Next question tayo... What is a skill or talent that no one knows about you?
"Twerking hahahaha!"

What do you spend too much money on?
"Online shopping hahaha!"

ahahaha! In any decision making situation, do you rather follow your heart or your mind?
"My mind. Always."

Cool! What have you learned from life that makes you who you are today?
"What goes around, comes back around."

Who is your biggest girl crush?

Likewise. Define SEXY.
"For me mindset is the new sexy."

Cool! What's your vital statistics?
"38 29 34"

Nice! What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"My eyes. Kasi everyone's keep saying it's attractive and sexy."

Yeah! I agree with your eyes. But I also think that your LIPS and smooth SKIN are so darn sexy.

You're welcome! What's the craziest thing you have done while drunk?
"Walk home by myself. And that's my special skill by the way."

Get the full photo collection of  Nikki Eusebio by purchasing the 9MM Digital Magazine December 2023 issue.


Nikki Eusebio Nikki Eusebio Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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