
Kiah Manlulu

Teller and Student Crush

Its quite difficult for an individual to be a working student. I mean you have to divide your time between school, work, sleep and other things. But our 9MM Blogzine #MajorCrush can handle it with ease. Let's know her.

Kiah Manlulu

Kiah, 21 (at the time of writing), is from Pampanga. She works as a teller and a student at the same time. Kiah loves traveling and eating.

Cool! What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?
"My advice to my 18 year old self is enjoy every minute of life, focus on myself and be responsible of every decisions I make. I wish to be stronger to face the reality of life."

Nice! Who is your biggest GIRL crush?

Likewise! What's your vital statistics?
"32 26 34"

Nice! What's your favorite poison / alcohol?

Likewise! What's the craziest thing you did while drunk?

Wow! Define SEXY.

Get the full photo collection of  Kiah Manlulu by purchasing the 9MM Digital Magazine October 2023 issue.


Kiah Manlulu Kiah Manlulu Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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