

Sales Lady Crush

I find sales ladies so hot and sexy. Wearing those button able shirt and mini skirts looks hot to me. Like our 9MM Blogzine #MajorCrush, she's a sales lady herself at a department store. Let's know more.


Geralyn, 21 (at the time of writing), is from Binondo, Manila. She works as a sales lady at a mall and loves to travelling, hiking and going to the beach among others.

I LIKE sales ladies... I think they are sexy... What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?
"Okay my advice for her is to keep it up in her job, what she get and be proud of herself no matter what. Just stay humble and stay strong for herself, family and don't blame yourself for what is wrong and what is right. Keep kind and be polite to the other people. Show respect and even more to herself."

Cool! Who is your biggest GIRL crush?

Likewise. What's your favorite poison / alcohol?

Wow! Nice! What's the craziest thing you did while drunk?
"Hmmm....Singing something or dancing."

Nice! What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
"My waist."

I agree. I also think that your EYES, LIPS and LEGS are also so sexy.
"Yeah maybe."

Next... In your opinion, what do men do wrong when having sex?
"Sex hmmmm sometimes I don't like the position when having sex heheheheh!"

Get the full photo collection of  Geralyn by purchasing the 9MM Digital Magazine September 2023 issue.


Geralyn Geralyn Reviewed by Stone-Cold Angel on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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